Archive for the 'Bible' Category

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How Should We Rate this Song?

Does it take a course in music appreciation to read the songs of the Bible? I’m wondering this while reading Psalm 5, knowing that David was a man after God’s own heart; remembering that this song has been sung by God’s people down through the ages; and realizing that it is a song that is […]

Endless Knowledge

Never before have so many people had access to so much information. With human knowledge doubling every few years and search engines like Google and Yahoo! at our fingertips, the potential for learning seems endless. The horizons of knowledge—According to Reuters News Service, the Hubble Space Telescope has found 10,000 galaxies in a window of […]

One Reason Bible Readers Disagree

Our last conversation about “sharing our faith” is one that deserves a second look. It’s another example of how followers of Christ can both agree and disagree about just about everything. We agree that everyone needs to hear what Christ did for us. We differ, to some degree, about how we are each to respond […]

Who or What is More Biblical?

Proverbs 18:18 says, “Casting lots can end arguments and settle disputes between powerful opponents.” Another proverb says, “We may throw the dice, but the LORD determines how they fall (Prov 16:33 NLT). So is it biblical to settle an argument by drawing straws, flipping a coin, or rolling the dice? And…why is it that few […]

News and Bible too Depressing?

I was talking to a friend the other day who talked about not reading the newspaper or listening to cable news because it is too depressing. Came away wondering whether many have a natural aversion to the Bible for the same reason? Is that why some people quote only the positive, optimistic, or “feel good” […]

Recovering or Revising the Bible?

We’ve talked here in the past about the fact that, in our day, one of the most debated issues of the Bible is whether God has given men authority over women in the home and church. We’ve sensed that, even though we have been able to discuss many difficult subjects with candor and grace, this […]

Has God Said?

Satan asked the question of Eve to plant a seed of doubt in her mind. But seems to me that the same question, “Has God said?” can be asked to clarify our faith. What if, hypothetically, I were to say to you, “My car has some brake issues that my mechanic says are very dangerous. […]

What’s a Word From the Lord?

Do we agree with those who say, “Every promise in the book is mine?” If so, in what sense do we mean that? Do we read the Bible until something jumps out as being a phrase we want to claim for ourselves? If so how do we keep from claiming to have a Word from […]

20/20 on Who?

Two passages of the Bible that are often used to emphasize the importance of Scripture may be doing something more. Example One: When, after eating no food for 40 days,  Jesus resists Satan’s temptation to turn stones into bread, he quotes Moses as saying “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word […]

Supernatural Hope for 2010

As we look forward once again to the turning of the calendar, many of us have come to the threshold of 2010 carrying heavy concerns either for ourselves– or for others. So it might be worth thinking together about a statement that the Apostle Paul wrote in the middle of his own problems and concerns […]

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